1.) German Democratic Republic - Unissued 200 Mark & 500 Mark 1985 - 35.00

2.) Neuteich - Nowy Staw - Territory of the City of Danzig - W.Pr. - 10 Pfennig - 1.4.1919 - $12.00

3.) Neuteich - Nowy Staw - Territory of the City of Danzig -W.Pr. - 50 Pfennig - 1.4.1919 - $12.00

4.) Encased Postage Stamp - - 5 Pf. - J.H. Tebbenhoff
- Settrup - $28.00

5.) Encased Postage Stamp - 10 Pf. - E. L. Kempe & Co. A.G.- Oppach - $25.00

8.) Cochem-Coud - 2 Mark - Bridge Token (town misprint) - $3.00

7.) Kochem-Kond -Mosel Bridge Token - 20 Rpf. - $2.00

18.) Saar Election Propaganda Postcard - Status Quo - Plebiscite 13.Jan. 1935 - $12.00

9.) MPC - Series 491 - 5 Cents - VF - $ - $5.00

10.) Music - Liederkranz zu Hainichen - 5 Mark Donation for a Piano - Nr. 25 - $16.00

11.) Bethel Scrip 1919/1920 $5.60 Each

12.) Ludendorff Spende - Donation for War Wounded - WWI - 1/2 Mark - $12.00

13.) Deutschland - Bildheft Potsdam - Inside and outside cover of #13 and #15 are different. The pictures are identical - $7.00

14.) Konsum-Verein München v. 1864 - 50 Mark - N.D. - $8.00

15.) Deutschland - Bildheft Potsdam - Inside and outside cover of #13 and #15 are different. The pictures are identical - $7.00

19.) Delivery Instructions for Mandatory Delivery of 30 Zentner Rye at Railway Station. 1917 - $7.50

20.) Lord Howe Island
Designer Sheet - (for later issuance of Private Stamps) Lord Gaffney February 10, 1986 - $15.00

21.) 1935 Saar Election Propaganda Postcard = Status Quo - Plebiscite 13.Jan. 1935 - Postally used. - $35.00

22.) Bremen - Fach und Industrie Ausstellung f. d. Gastgewerbe- Judaica - 1,2,5 Mark - $60.00

23.) One-crown voucher payable Savings Office of the City of Drchobych-
Jabl. 93 EF $14.00

24.) Leisnig - Baustein 1/2 Reichmark for the Construction of an Airspa, 1. Oct. 1925 - $9.00

25.) Ration Postcard 1916 with Money and Rationcard Illustrations - Interesting Document - $9.50

26.) Volksbank Neustadt(FRONT)Postcard Scheck (BACK)10,000,000 Mark 1923 K3887g- #59341 - Fine $25.00

27.) 9th Army Military Administration - Roumania - Postal Stationary - Unused EF - $5.00

28.) Wien/Vienna,Austria Pilz, Elektrische Grottenbahn "Zum Walfisch" k.k. Prater Klapppostkarte - Postcard Booklet - Rare $26.00

29.) Altusried - 19i47 - 10 Pf. Cardboard - Hans Kreuzer Bakery - $9.00

34.) City of Stuttgart Emergency Issues 1,2,5,10, 20 Mark 1.Mai.1945 - $48.00

31.) Encased Postage Stamp - 10 Pfennig - Election Propaganda - Labora Notgeld Vertrieb - Gaertner Magdeburg - $35.00

32. WWII. German/Italian Kriegsgefangen Lager / Stalag - 1943 Postcard - $5.00

30.) Prater Vienna Original Ride Ticket - Front (This is not the 100 Year Celebration 1965 Reprint) -Back - Erstes Wiener Ponny-Caroussel mit lebenden Pferden. - Scarce $18.00

38.) Salvator Kolleg Wurzach/Wttbg. - Gutschein 1 Mark School Money undated - $12.00

35.) Encased Postage Stamp - 10 Pfennig - LEBONA CREME - Berlin - $45.00

41.) Winter-Hilfswerk Des deutschen Volkes - 1 Pfennig Gummed Label hinged - EF $6.00

37.) WWII P.O.W. Mail from Camp Indianola to Innsbruck/Tyrol 3.4.1944 - $9.00

40.) SCHÖRNERSCHEIN - 50 Mark - 1945 Emergency Issue - Graz, Linz u. Salzburg - Ro 181b - VF $78.00 - SOLD

39.) Series Notes of the New Generation - See Attached

43.) Landbund Roggengutschein - Cottbus, Calau, Lübben - 500 Pfund Roggen (Rye) - 1.9.1923 - 1.9.1924 - $28.00

44.) Gold Gulch - The Days of '49. May 29, 1935 San Diego - The Stamp Mill Admission Ticket America's Exposition.$5.00

45.) Bad Wildungen - Wood - Holzgutscheine - Diff. Denominations - Each $8.00- SOLD -

51.) Burgstaller 1933 - Dr. H.K. Sonderegger - Die Rettung Österreichs - Das Wörgler Beispiel - Depression Script Publication - VF Softcover $7.00

47.) Müller 60 - Altrahlstedt -Liliencron Gesellschaft - 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 Mark overprinted - $12.00

48.) Deutsche Freundschaft - Deutscher Schulverein - 50, 100, 150 Heller Nationalspende - Wien June 1920 Rare $45.00

49.) Wiener Prater Geschichten Stollwerck
6 Cards - $16.00

50.) 10 Pfennig Reichswährung with and without number (Specimen) - $9.50

46.) Ruhrtaler - Propaganda Notes - Set 1, 10, 100 Million Mark - $30.00

52.) Hungarian Notgeld and Advertising

53.) West-Ukrainian People's Republic -$2.50

56.) Rittergut Jeziorsgi - Seeheim Bez. Posen - $14.00

55.) Fostoria /OH. Industrial Corp. Depression Scrip - Paid 12.8.34 - $8.00

58.) Karl Marx Stadt - Chemnitz, Sachsen - FEK FahrzeugelektrikMarks 5,10,50 Pf. 1,5,10,50 Mark, 100, 500, 1000 Mark - RARE - $150.00

60.) Eureka, NV County Warrant
#1638 3.00 - #8791 $6.00

57.) WWI - POW - Duisburg 5 Pf. Thomas Schlaken Mahlesellschaft - Scarce $18.00

Orange Sold
59.) Canada - Maritime Buck - 1981 - $3.00

54.) Schlesiengrube - Swietochlowiece - 17.2.1917 to End of Mai 1917. - Printing Error - $8.00

61.) IBNS 26th Anniversary Congress 1986 Bradbury Wilkinson Commemorative Note - $12.00

64.) BERLIN im SPIEGEL - 1962 - Special Edition - English Text. $8.50

63.) IBNS 27th Anniveresary Congress 1987 Bradbury Wilkinson Commemorative Note - $12.00

62.)1921 - The Worker"s Olympics in Prague 1921 - CSSR - $4.00

65.) Pre -PLO Fund Raising Certificate . Nile Valley Corp. 50 Piastres - For Saving Palestine. $6.00

66.) HAM and EGGS - Los Angeles 1939 - 40 Page Newspaper - $8.50

68.) Russia - Government Bank IRKUTSK -- S890 Orange - 200 R. Bond used as currency EF+ $15.00

69.) Russia - Bank IRKUTSK S886 Green - 200 R. Bond /Currency - Incorrect Denom. in catalog. VE $7.00

67.) India Baroda - Instructions for Cashing Bank of Baroda Traveller Checks $19.00

70.) DAMALS UND HEUTE - Obersalzberg Illustrated History $15.00

71.) Campaign Atlas to the Second World War: Europe and the Mediterranean - U.S. Military Academyt Dept. of History 1979 - VF $10.00

72.) Advertising Material for the 40th Anniversay of the Founding of the SED 1.4.1946 - Illustrated Text. EF $15.00

73.) Romania - 2000 Lei Commemorative of the Total Solar Eclipse of 11.8.1999 and the new Millenium Folder Serie A. $8.00

74.) Thailand - 60 Baht P93 (1967) Unc. King Rama IX Birthday Large Note $7.00

75.) Romania 2000 Lei 1999 Commemorative of the Total Solar Eclipse of 11.8.1999 without the folder. Note Series A or B, whichever available. `$2.50