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HISTORICAL PROPAGANDA Leaflets Dropped in Vietnam |
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Refer to #101 #97 - - Early Leaflet dropped over the North. HE BROUGHT THE SNAKES HOME The leaflet is taken directly from a militry stock b ook. There is a faint drawing in red on the front of hundreds of marching Chinee soldiers. The title of this leaflet is "He Brought a Snake Home to eat his own People's Chicken." The leaflet is a divide and conquer operation where a number of Chinese Radio Broadcasts are quoted that imply that the Vietnamese love the Chinese People and that Mao is sending forced to protect North Vietnam. The leaflet goes on to point out how the nations have fought for many years. It says "Over the centuries, China has invaded and enslaved Vietnam." - $14.00 |
Refer to #102 Leaflet 2223 PATROL BOATS ARE HERE TO HELP DEFEAT THE VIET CONGTo provide Security for the Vietnam Ccommunity they are patrolling Rivers and Canals. The rev. has extensive text . The text is available in the NATIONAL CATALOG OF PSYOPS MATERIALS. - - $10.00 |
Refer to #103 Leaflet 2500 April 1968 VIET CONG RETURNS HOME This leaflet was taken directly from a Vietnam War PSYOP stock book. It shows a Viet Cong soldier returning to his wife and child while an armed ARVN smiles and pats him on the back. The message is "Soldiers and cadre of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army in South Vietnam." "The government of the Republic welcomes returnees from your ranks under the Chieu Hoi program. Return and you will enjoy a life of peace and freedom It pledges good treatment to all who return and offers rewards such as citizenship, medical treatment, money, rice and clothes. - - $12.00 |
Refer to #104 Leaflet 2545 - TWO PAGE TEX LEAFLET RELATIVES IN VC RANKS?The Vietnam War leaflet is taken directly from a military stock book. The title is "Compatriots who have relatives in the VC Ranks." The leaflet asks those relatives " since the so-calld NFL has waged this war, how many of your relatives have departed and never come back? These missing men are the bread winners of their family. The communists have profited from their patriotism in order to sacrifice them for the Lao Dong Party. .... $10.00 |
Refer to #105
Leaflet 2967 NORMAL LIFE FOR PRISONERS IN A POW CAMP. In the past Communist soldiers expected to be killed upon capture, but after a short time in a POW camp they saw that the Government of South Vietnam treated them as friends rather than a prisoner. Information to the contrary is distorted by communist Cable TV. The South Vietnamese Ggoverment takes care of the prisoners mentally and physically. Prisoners can complete building the sanitary installations and their bathroom and toilet supplies are fully provided for. - - - $12.00 |
Refer to #106
Leaflet 2968 MEDICS AT WORKThe leaflet shows medics giving treatment to Vietnamese Nationals. The front has a photograph of a medic treating the leg of a Vietnamese patient. There are two photos on the back. One shows a medic checking the heart of a patient, the second shows a medic about to X-ry a patient. This is a consolodation leaflet meant to instill morale in the citizens of Vietnam by showing the good care offered by the government. - $12.0012.00 |
Refer to #107 # 6-149-68BY U.S. 6th PSYOP Battalion in 1968 TO THE VIET CONG CADREThis plain leaflet comes from a military stock book. The title is "To the Cadres of the National Liberation Front." It tells the viet Cong "Your leaders have misled and betrayed you. You have been sent into battle hopelessly. How can you survive againt the powerful forces of the ARVN and its Allies? The present count is 30,000 killed." - - - $10.00 |
Refer to #108 Leaflet 7-182-68 - U.S. 7th PSYOP Battalion in 1968 This plain leaflet comes from a military stock book. The title is "Attention people who reside near the ARVN and Allied base" The leaflet tells the local farmers "to protect your own safety, you are requested to stay away from the wire of the base where the ARVN and Allied Forces are located." It warns the locals that if they loiter near the wire in daylight they will be arrested. If found near the wire at night they will be considered an "enemy element." The warning is clear. They will be shot. - - - $12.00 |
Refer to #110 Leaflet 10-91-68 - U.S. 10th PSYOP Battalion - 1968 The leaflet comes from a military stock book. The title is "The Government is looking after the health of the people in Song-Ong-Duc District." An American Medic is seen bandaging a Vietnamese child in his mother's arms. The message on the back tells the people that the American -Vietnamese medical section will care for the people of the district for free. It stresses that all can come for treatmnt, including Viet Cong soldiers and the people living in their occupied areas. It tells the people "If you get sick, don't hesitate. Come and allow them to cure you." - $12.00 |
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